Some of the benefits include but are not limited too;
Automatic worldwide cover. This includes accidental loss or damage, even when travelling.
Agreed Value for specified items gives you certainty about what you will receive in the event of a claim.
Pairs & Sets –
If you lose part of a pair or set: Insurers will pay the full agreed value of the entire set.
If your jewellery loses value when damaged: Insurers will compensate you for any loss in its agreed value due to the claim.
Fine Art;
Agreed Value for specified fine art items gives you certainty about what you will receive in the event of a claim.
Repairs after a loss: If a piece of art is repaired following a loss and its value has reduced, insurers will reimburse you for the depreciation.
For an up-to-date valuation of your fine arts and collectables why not speak to Antique & Fine Art Valuations – Art & Antique Sales & Auctions (