Insurance Claim Support

Need a little extra support?
We’re here to help.

We are committed to ensuring that our products and services are accessible to all our clients, so that everyone can do business with us easily. We encourage you to talk to our staff to help us understand your individual needs..

Support & Accessibility

Visual and audio support

If you’re using our website on a desktop, you can magnify the screen or increase text size. Head to the ‘Settings’ menu on your internet browser (like Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge) and depending on the browser you use, you’ll find the option to increase the text size under ‘Preferences’ or ‘View’.

Trusted alternative contact

If you’re finding it difficult to talk to with us, we can speak with someone else on your behalf if you would prefer.  We call this a trusted alternative contact. We’re more than happy to do this, all you have to do is contact us to make us aware. We will need their name, date of birth and contact details.

Money worries

It’s super important that you keep up to date with your payments, but we know sometimes things are just not that simple. If you’ve lost your job or recently retired, please contact us to discuss repayment or any ways we can support you further.

Also, if you know ahead of time that you’re going to miss a payment, or if you’ve already missed one and are looking to catch up, you can contact us to let us know that as well.

If you require further information, then please see the below online resources:

Citizens Advice


Cox Mahon – a specialist insurance broker