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Storm Eowyn Alert

Storm Eowyn Alert – Red Warnings Issued for the UK

There are now rare red warnings, very strong wind, for parts of the UK ahead of Storm Eowyn – with tornado and ‘danger to life’ alerts.

The alert, which covers all of Northern Ireland from 7am on Friday until 2pm, and parts of Scotland from 10am to 5pm, warns of “very dangerous conditions” and “widespread disruption”.

Tornados could also hit parts of the UK today, ahead of the storm, with forecasters warning of a danger to life.

The Met Office said changing conditions would likely trigger an explosive cyclogenesis – or weather bomb – with strong winds, rain, snow and gusts of up to 90mph expected on Friday.

The red alert is the Met Office’s most serious weather warning and will likely cause “substantial disruption to travel, energy supplies and possibly widespread damage to property and infrastructure”, according to the agency. A series of amber and yellow warnings have also been put in place by the group, threatening injuries and a danger to life. Continue to monitor weather warnings for updated information.

How to protect yourself, your loved ones, your community, and your property

  • Store away movable garden objects
  • Place outside waste bins in a sheltered area and tie shut
  • Remove large or loose tree branches
  • Ensure your roof shingles are secure
  • Floodproof your home
  • Keep mobile phones and devices charged up
  • Have candles and matches at the ready
  • Have warm blankets to hand
  • Keep important phone numbers/email address such as insurance claim contact details and insurance policy documents in a safe place
  • Have a storm safety plan and make sure everyone in the household knows what it is
  • Keep up-to-date with local weather news and any local storm action plans
  • Only go out when absolutely necessary
  • Stay away from rivers, waterways and the Sea
  • Check in with elderly or vulnerable neighbours

When reporting a storm claim to your insurance company or broker remember to confirm:

  • Your name and address
  • Policy number
  • Your contact phone number and email address
  • If there is subsequent damage to a neighbour’s property confirm as many details about your neighbour as they are happy for you to share with your insurance company, to include your neighbour’s telephone contact number
  • The date the incident first occurred
  • A description of what has happened
  • A description of what is damaged
  • What action has been taken to lessen the extent of damage
  • Supporting images/videos of the damage
  • Any estimates/quotes for repairs and/or replacement damaged items

For Cox Mahon policy holders please report new property damage claims to our inhouse Claims Manager, Donna Hatton, at email: [email protected] mobile: 07931 543 408 or your Account Executive who will be more than happy to help you