Lone Workers – Employee Safety Update
Employee Safety White Working Alone
Across all industries, certain workers may be required to work alone. Whether it’s due to staff shortages, late-night shifts, the nature of the job or other reasons, employees who work alone tend to be more vulnerable than those who have colleagues present. Lone workers may face an increased risk of workplace violence, especially if they work with the public. Additionally, if and when workplace accidents occur, lone workers may lack the support needed to properly respond to the incident or receive necessary assistance.
By taking a proactive approach, employers can help protect their lone workers and make them more comfortable in their roles. In turn, employers can improve productivity, reduce employee turnover, strengthen their reputations and greatly reduce the likelihood of a costly incident.
Employees at the Greatest Risk
While employers must manage all lone workers with care, certain categories of workers are especially at risk. Employees who work with patients, clients or the public may be put in challenging situations if they are working alone. Working with the public means that dozens—maybe even hundreds—of people may come in and out of the workplace each day.
When interacting with lone workers, individuals may alter their behaviour. If there is only one worker present, people may think they can more easily get away with certain crimes, such as theft or physical assault. Similarly, if clients or patients are unhappy or frustrated, they may attempt to intimidate, threaten or otherwise take advantage of a lone worker. These risks are magnified for employees who work off-site or who are required to enter an individual’s home.
Workers who perform hazardous work are also especially at risk when working alone. If a workplace accident occurs, no one may be around to give the worker assistance—and if the incident is severe, they may be unable to call for help.
Lone workers often suffer from high amounts of stress due to the fact that their jobs are riskier. This anxiety can trigger negative health conditions or cause pre-existing conditions to flare up, which can, in turn, lead to lost productivity, more days off work and high employee turnover.
The Law Explained
Although there are no specific laws for lone worker safety, employers have a legal duty to ensure all employees’ health, safety and welfare under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. Moreover, it’s a legal requirement for organisations to conduct a workplace risk assessment; if this assessment finds that workers can’t perform specific high-risk activities alone, arrangements must be made for them to be assisted.
In addition, employers are legally required to:
- Provide first-aid facilities to lone workers under the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations.
- Provide suitable equipment to lone workers under the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations.
- Carry out a risk assessment for lone workers handling hazardous chemicals under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations.
There may also be additional laws pertaining to specific high-risk activities, such as electrical work near live conductors. Employers should scrutinise Health and Safety Executive (HSE) guidelines and seek legal advice to ensure compliance with regulations.
Tips to Minimise Risks for Lone Workers
To keep employees safe, employers must identify lone-working risks and put procedures in place to address these.
The HSE offers broad guidelines regarding how organisations can stay compliant with health and safety legislation:
- Ensure lone workers have no medical conditions that make them unsuitable for working alone.
- Conduct a workplace risk assessment of all potential risks a lone worker may face.
- Be aware that some tasks may be too difficult or dangerous to be carried out alone.
- Provide some level of supervision.
- Put contact and communications procedures in place so that lone workers can stay in touch.
The following are some additional suggestions organisations should take to minimise or eliminate lone-working risks:
- Implement workplace safety procedures tailored to the risks lone workers face.
- Ensure all workers receive proper training and determine a schedule for refresher training.
- Create a check-in procedure for lone workers.
- Schedule high-risk tasks during a time when another worker is present.
- Provide workers with the appropriate protective clothing, protective barriers and escape routes.
- Evaluate the design, physical arrangement and materials of the workplace. Modify these to reduce risks, if necessary.
- Make sure workers are visible at all times on a security camera. If this is not possible or applicable, ensure they have access to a voice communication system.
- Make sure workers can always see entrances and exits so they are aware of who is coming and going. If this is not possible, make sure there are locks in place to prevent entry through doors that workers cannot see.
- Install panic buttons in the workspace.
- Install a locked deposit safe if employees are handling money.
- Make sure the inside and outside of the workplace is well-lit.
- Create and regularly practise an emergency action plan.
- Investigate all incidents as soon as they arise, and don’t forget to record near misses. Revise emergency procedures and the emergency action plan accordingly.
- Solicit input from employees on their work conditions in order to come up with the best possible solutions to fix any issues that arise.
Organisations have a legal duty to provide all workers with a safe and healthy workplace, no matter the industry. Contact us today for additional risk management guidance.
Information provided by Zywave and contributed by Harrison Law, (Cert CII) Head of Commercial & Private Clients, Cox Mahon Ltd.